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In the Business Team Development program, we focus on connecting with our mental well-being by understanding how our minds work, from the inside out. This journey kicks off with an exciting 3-day Intensive and is followed by interactive sessions filled with presentations and discussions to help your team experience 'a-ha' moments and apply what they've learned to create positive change for your business.

The BIGGEST issue that most teams and companies overlook that has the most impact on team performance is a lack of mental wellbeing within the team.

It's tricky because it's an invisible problem that you only experience when symptoms start occurring.

Symptoms of a lack of mental wellbeing often manifest in a company's team in the form of higher levels of stress, lack of motivation, burnout, problems with communication and an overall drop in performance.


Because Leaders will experience the symptoms first, they will rush to try and heal the symptoms with quick fixes (that never last) because the real cause is over-looked; a lack of mental wellbeing within the team

The solution is to tap into your company's greatest untapped resource, which is the innate wisdom, innate health and capacity for insight in your people.


When your teams get a sense of the inside-out nature of their experience, they are less insecure and tap into a greater level of resilience, clarity, and well-being.

When the bar of mental well-being is raised, teams are much more able to follow and be impacted by effective leadership, which leads to better performance with less stress, less pressure and more joy.

"Any company's greatest untapped resource is the innate wisdom, health and capacity for insight in its people"

— Invisible Power by Ken Manning, Robin Charbit, & Sandra Krot

how does it work?




We'll schedule time to explore what's really at stake for you and your company. We'll look at what you hope to achieve by working with me.

And from our conversation and reflection I'll share what I see as being possible for you and your company. Then I'll share how I work and what you can expect moving forward.

By the end of the call, we'll create an agreement on objectives and outcomes for working together. 




To get a better sense of your business and organization, I'll do short 30 min intake interviews with people from your organization. I want to understand their challenges, objectives, processes, and the issues involved.

I want to get a good sense of your organization's culture as well. This will help make the content shared in the main program relevant to you and your team.




The main theme for each program is focused on exploring how the mind works; seeing who we truly are from the inside out, and understanding where our experience is coming from moment to moment.

The program usually starts with a 3x Day Intensive followed by follow-up sessions. The sessions include presentations and discussions around the main topics.

The sessions are highly engaging, allows participants the space for their own insights and inspires the application of what they are learning.

The program usually lasts between 3 - 6 months. Afterwards, there will be an option to continue for on-going support.




Follow ups help me to check in with you as an individual and an organization to see where you are with your learning and the results that are being created.

It's a chance to support you in areas that you and your organization are stuck on. Follow ups also act as on-going learning, mentoring and support for participants as well.

Image by Javier Allegue Barros

What's on offer?

Over the years, I've had the privilege and the pleasure to work closely with business leaders and their teams from all over the world. And through a "Principles-Based-Approach" I have helped them create impact in the following areas;


  • Increased complex problem-solving ability

  • Improved critical thinking

  • Higher levels of creativity and flow

  • Improved quality of communication and
    people management

  • Higher levels of emotional resiliency

  • Better performance (Eg. Sales, Project Execution etc)

  • More intuitive decision-making abilities

  • Better productivity; achieve more by doing less

  • Accelerated personal and professional growth

  • Unlock new capabilities


The 'Minimum Level of Engagement (MLE)' for this offer is $10,000 USD.

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If you're ready...

If you're ready to accelerate your growth in your business or career in a short amount of time, this program is for you. Create an inner wealth that is valuable beyond measure, get better results with less effort, less stress, less time and have more fun in the process...

I would love to know more about you, your business, your team and the impact you would like to make with your business.


Let's talk. 

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