Unleash Your Genius in
with 1:1 Coaching
The Personal Genius Catalyst program is designed for ambitious and successful business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders who are not only feeling overwhelmed, stressed and unsatisfied with their work, but are searching for a deeper level of understanding about themselves and life itself.
They are ready to experience life with a greater sense of ease, grace and purpose. They are curious to discover how to unlock new capacities and capabilities within themselves. They want to make a bigger impact in a way that requires less mental effort and feels more joyful.
I help you to have greater...





How does it work?
Step 1: Finding your GPS & Foundations
Finding your GPS
When you use a GPS to plan your trip, the very first thing you do is tell it where you are, then tell it where you want to go and then the GPS takes care of the rest. Together, we’ll take a fresh look at what you really want and what’s really stopping you from getting there.
"Understanding the mechanics behind the human experience is the greatest accelerator to you living a more wonderful life" - Michael Neill.
In this section, we’ll dive into the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. You’ll gain insight into how your inner wisdom operates, how your state of mind functions, and how thought shapes your experience. This understanding will help you navigate life’s natural ebbs and flows with greater resilience. It will serve as the foundation for everything we’ll explore on this journey.
Step 2: Listening To Your Wisdom
You will learn a very simple yet powerful process for getting out of your own way and tapping into the space where insights flow. Said differently, you'll learn to know where to look when you don't know what to do and where not to look.
I’ll point you back to your unlimited creative potential and capacity for insight. This space, this connection to your deeper innate wisdom will help you unlock new capabilities and possibilities within yourself.
Step 3: Clarity of Mind
One the biggest ways ambitious and driven people get in their own way is they over-complicate and over-think their journey towards your goals.
I’ll help you steer clear of this obstacle by identifying the next steps towards your goal by helping you navigate life with a higher level of clarity of mind. When you have clarity of mind, you can move mountains; your actions become way more powerful and impactful.

Does it work?
For the past 8+ years, I have worked with clients to secure lucrative career positions, improve sports performance, compete at the Olympics, have better relationships with themselves and others, launch dream businesses, become better leaders, increase the annual revenue of their businesses, and even find love.
The biggest and most rewarding shift that I've seen in the people I've worked with is that I see them become more settled within themselves.
They are less anxious, less stressed, less under pressure. They are more tuned into the aliveness of life. They have more energy. They feel more inspired to play a bigger game in life.
The investment for this program starts at 5,500 USD. Programs range from 4 to 6 months. In order to be a good candidate to get the results with this program you must;
Be ready and willing to learn and grow.
Have something you are working on or working towards.
Have a track record of success in your business or role (even if it's not exactly where you want to be yet).

If you're ready...
If you're ready to unleash your innate genius, create an inner wealth that is valuable beyond measure, get better results with less mental effort, less stress, less time and experience more joy in the process...
If you're ready to create a deeper experience and connection with life, access fresh new thinking and creativity on demand, make significant breakthroughs in life, business and relationships...
Let's talk.